2021 in Knowledge and Habits

Bruno Gurgel
10 min readDec 29, 2021

Courses and Habits investments during the year

Wow! Second year in a row and I’m happy to write about my learning journey with you guys! In this post you can watch mostly everything I planned to learn this year. I was so excited in testing my planning methods for the year that clearly I could understand that I planned more than I could actually execute. I had to decide on which target I should focus on and learned for the next year that I should plan a little easier on myself.

TED Talks

I believe we have great people doing talks out there, not only in TED, but this was one of the ways I picked this year to learn was from people sharing their experience.

That was the 14 TED Talks I had the opportunity to reflect on this year.

Simon Sinek — How great leaders inspire action

We all should truly understand and believe why we do things! The path is clear: Why -> How -> What. Watching this TED gave me the opportunity to consolidate the learnings I had by reading his book, Starts with Why. In the book he goes even deeper explaining the golden circle and the mindset we should all learn in order to change the way we have been living. If I do not understand why I’m doing something, I should re-think, replan or resignificate.

Brene Brown — The power of vulnerability

I have a strong connection with this TED. Vulnerability for me stands for many behaviors or lack of behaviors that Brene explains in this talk. To recognize our own vulnerabilities is to be open and accept that we are humans, we can be wrong, we can commit mistakes and that’s fine. The power of vulnerability is to recognize and give us the opportunity to understand these gaps, lack of behavior or feelings to work on it. We must let aside the concerns and feelings we have of being judged by other people. This TED connects a lot with a specific panic I had to work in therapy. I’m afraid of people that don’t admit they commit mistakes, besides it all starts on a family aspect, it took it hard on my professional side. I rather work with people that assume mistakes and ask for help to discuss life with people who will never assume their mistakes. Psychological Safety first place!

Cameron Russell — Looks aren’t everything believe me I’m a model

That was my achilles tendon. What a class Camaron gave me in this TED. Every single image we create can have two sides with different angles and for me this complicates life even more. Wherever we create a persona of ourselves we don’t allow people around to truly know us, they will only get the image we want them to get, and this comes with a price. By showing ourselves as a character of what we may want to be, we as well will be judged and understood as someone we are not. I struggling to actually describe how deep this affects my understanding of how everybody else sees us.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie — We Should All Be Feminists

Chimamanda gave an intense class of awareness. If you are potentially reading this post, you leave in a bubble. Unbeliaveble that in the actual days we have such a racial, social and sexual inequality, and we do not need to go far to watch it. Besides I understand as a man we are part of the equation, I yet don’t feel comfortable to discuss or even give my opinion to that. I will still add to my planning readings and TED talks books that increase my awareness of the subject.

Robert Waldinger — What makes a good life lessons from the longest study on happiness

Science is incredible when you have 70 years of data. What are the KPIs we measure to understand if we had a good life or not. Robert guides us into the research in a way we can evaluate the impact of relationships across the time, but not only mariage ones, but every single interaction. This has a big trigger on me on how we behave with some bad feelings like anger, pain, revenge, we can avoid feeling then, but we can decide what to do when we feel. This connects again a lot with the feelings I’m trying to work it on : acceptance and forgiveness.

Shawn Achor — The happy secret to better work

This TED reflects well the way I have been acting in my mindset. World is polarized, we are flooded everyday by average stories of everything. On TV, for those who have this habit yet, its not difficult to get information that keeps us in a neutral mood and when we go to the web and social media, if you follow extremist people or dummy content, it’s easy to get you in a negative mood. We are not only the average of the top 5 people that we talk to, but the content we watch/read, audios we listen to and so forth. We need to seek into ourselves what makes our brain connect into positive waves every single day.

Tom Thum — The orchestra in my mouth

Tom’s skills are kind of unbelievable. The way he discovered his own body and month in order to generate sounds that can entertain people. I was aggregated by understanding better this role and to understand that we actually are not aware of the full potential of our bodies. It’s a good trigger to get me to understand how tech enables me to be better.

Celeste Headlee — 10 ways to have a better conversation

Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, I’m in love by the way Celeste could guide me to the talk. To be a good communicator one of the best skills is to truly listen. In our society we are so much ready to speak and not even close to being a good listener. The fact is, to communicate, we must listen more than we are ready to talk, and this conflicts a lot with the behaviors like “I always have an opinion”. Multi Tasking may be one of the reasons people are not having great conversations.

Maz Jobrani — A saudi an indian and an iranian walk into a qatari bar

For sure a funny TED. That was different from the rest of the list. I get it more like an startup with some jobs about cultures disparities than an usual TED.

Andrew Solomon — Depression the secret we share

We understand nothing about it yet. We need much more data and years of study to actualy can help depressed people. This condition can be deep, silent, and like the author mentioned, what saved him was his passion to leave. Purpose can be a key factor to get people controlled but is far from being the cure or the understanding of. In this TED, Andrew guided me to better understand the key points using good examples and make me dive into some scientific explanations.

Thomas Suarez — A 12 year old app developer

Thomas teaches us that everybody can do tech if you have a true purpose and grit. Being a software developer, at only 12 years old, teaches us not only the importance of coding for the next decades but actually the community feeling of sharing, joining people, having the app clubs, and this connects a lot with FOSS communities essence.

Sir Ken Robinson — Do schools kill creativity

Amazing TED. Connects a lot with the view I have about the education system. Prince EA, has an excellent marketing vídeo called “I sued the school system” that everybody should watch. Schools are preparing children for Industries that are crashing in the way they are, we must accept and use the full potential of technologies to give people a personalized education in a way they can use their talents from day one. He used good examples like Shakespere as your teammate, or even for artists how school of today can be a prison and a real reason for modern diseases.

David Kelley — How to build your creative confidence

Good examples of how we can be stuck in moments that we have fear, concerns and we end up not doing anything about it. We need to understand our fobias, have it as friends. We must face it, and understand how we are going to move from the moments we are frozen by our own brain that actually needs help. Mindset is key.

Helen M. Farrell — What is depression!

Helen makes all the difference with this video. She tries in a visual and easy way to guide us about what we know about depression. From common signs to deep behaviors he made me think a little bit about how we may behave if we are talking with someone depressed. I had a deeper thinking when she approached the fact that talk about suicide toughts with a depressed person can actualy be good.


I truly believe in LIFELONG LEARNING, so take some courses during the years is the most important learning plan I have. This were the ones for this year:

GNED — Gestão de Negócios na Era Digital — Business Management in the Digital Era — Cesar School

Cesar School is one of the best innovation centers in Brazil. Located at Porto Digital, in Receive, has as founder Silvio Meira, one of the most brilliant heads of digital transformation I ever have the pleasure to listen to. GNED is a short term course to guide you into many aspects of how a business will be impacted by technology, culture and people. In small classes of 15 people, I could learn a lot about digital marketing, people behavior, technology and transformation and yet share and listen to good experiences from my colleagues.

XBA Exponential Business Administration — StartSe

StartSe is a business platform that consolidates many new technologies and business information into courses to speed up adoptance of companies and students. XBA is an intense 10 week program to learn what’s been happening in the world. Different from MBA, content is always up to date and we have teachers from all places and corporations explaining all the subjects. One down point is that classes happen in more than 200 people’s rooms, even in online experiences, and to have a few moments to share, so many people together in a room was not a good experience, but that was the only downside. Highly Recommend.

Friends of tomorrow — Aerolito

Futurism is a discipline and Thiago Matos, member of Singularity University, created with Aerolito an couse to guide us into what is going on in the next 50 years with maestry. Thiago, makes me reflect on the fact we don’t see as technology things that were created before we were born, and makes me reflect that is not because we can imagine how we can do things that cannot be created. Really upside for Medical and DNA classes. Mind blowing thoughts but happy we have companies that are truly studying way ahead of our time.

Gestao inovadora para rhs — HR Innovation Managements — StartSe

There is no Digital Transformation without People Transformation. Every single digital transformation that does not start in HR has a high risk of breaking. People are changing, cultures are changing, so business and HR must change. From the meritocracy ground rules to work life balance, we must help HR to re-write guides to attract the best people to work together. Compensation, Home office and life balance are now main points required by employees.

Guy kawasaki — Turning life wisdom into business success

Love Guys mindset. In this short training he shows a little bit of his human side, telling stories of people he helped without expectations and some behaviors he created in the past as children. I loved to know his history better and realize that I share some of his habits.

Meditation and Yoga Practice

Focused mostly in the first quarter of the year, unfortunately I realized that I had planned more than I thought I should. By next year, I’ll not have a fixed number, but Ill use meditation to calm my mind and organize my days and head.

36 Hours, 271 Sessions, 8 minutes average.


I started the year learning chinese. I took about 30 classes, but I have to prioritize other things. This will come back in a more structured way next year.

Clube de chines


As I discovered an ankle problem, I focused on recovery by doing lots of physiotherapy, stopped running and trained some leg muscles to balance the problem.

Besides I could not swim in this year, I had a great year cycling and running:


As garmin stills does not apply for the year summary I had to make the calculation by myself! That was 181.48 km running in 2021!

Focus on my first 21k run:

Ask me about intervals tranning, that was key!


That was 754.23 km cycling, not counting commuting and cycling in the gym.


That was an intense year, lots of ups and downs but even like this I think I could learn a LOT. From books, courses and languages to sports and meditation I think I’m enjoying the balance I found so far.

As much as I still write for me, I hope you have enjoyed this article.

Thank You! =D



Bruno Gurgel

Living an intense life transition I'm trying to find on writing a good alternative to learn, un-learn and re-learn. Hope you enjoy this journey with me.