2022 in Knowledge and Habits

Courses and Habits as self investments during the year

Bruno Gurgel
6 min readDec 21, 2022

I always loved to learn. Anything. From IT technical stuff to bike mechanics, cooking and many other things. I guess I’m just too curious and always wanna understand how stuff works.

Bellow you can find some of the things I have explored this year:

Positive Psychology Extension Course


I have changed. This is a strong statement, because everyone had. If you read my “True Acceptance” post, you may understand that I came from an extreme situation to develop a new me. Part of this transition required simple but real specific knowledge, to know myself better. To learn more about how people behave and why we do and act in some specific ways I have decided to learn more about physiology.

That was one of the most important decisions I ever made. I was able to learn from human behaviors and cultures to why people’s behaviors in huge businesses are sometimes toxic and not sustainable. As the days were passing I was dragging into some thoughts about how we could make people’s lives better and get a deep passion about the subject.

I was already starting a wealth project but after the course it became a priority. I feel that I need to write and develop some service that will be able to teach and guide people to have a better quality of life. In the next few months I’ll be writing about it and developing the business plan with some MVP and ideas.

IGA — Professional Cooking Classes


Some of us love to eat. but some love to cook. To cook is to love by the stomach. It was cool to learn some new techniques and dishes as well, share recipes and dishes with others that also love to delight.

StartUp Investors Club by Captable


After 10 years working for huge industry companies I have decided to move to the finance industry, and this left me out of my comfort zone. As much as small companies are not the focus of the business I took some time to understand better how startups are founded, organized and planned. Learning how to read new market KPIs and how VCs are working in Brazil were at the same time curious and challenging.

It was also incredible to understand how people think and evaluate a future business to be, to share ideas and get inspired by things that have market gaps or blind spots. Lot to learn ahead.

Renewing Habits

I learned about the power of habits by reading some books like “Miracle Morning” and “Atomic Habits’ ‘. This year was about to reinforce some of the habits I’m trying to develop and join and test some others.



This is one of the habits that I had lost focus during the year and it’s amazing how the effects of not starting the day organizing my mind can be severe. Early in the morning by practicing some meditation I felt that I could organize my thoughts and could keep stress and mental state stronger without being affected by external opinions or thoughts.

I’ll keep my journey with meditation using Headspace App, that offers me a good morning experience (The Wake Up) not only with the guided meditation but with a morning routine that enables me to open and clear my mind.




Yep! Yoga stayed for real in the routine. As much as I wished to practice more I’m engaged up to 3 times a month. Stretches and Breathing benefits are recognized as well the amount of new relationships with people that have the mindset of wealth. To change our lifestyle we need to meet and live near people that inspire us to be something we see ahead.

I also have tried a slightly different kind of yoga. Hot Yoga. Practices of yoga are made in the sauna, under 40 degrees temperature. It seems more challenging than it really is.

Both, in the park or in the sauna, yoga will remain in my exercise routines for the next year.

Group Running





I used to run alone and sometimes this can be really a challenge. In was in a night running training when I faced @vemcnois, an Adidas Running Group, at Paulista Av. That moment I discovered a lot of fun in running, they were screaming “If you don’t have a running group, now you have”. After talking with one of the leaders I understood that @adidas has an app that helps some groups to organize running and functional training. Looking at the app I was able to meet @elasquevoam, @correjunto and @vemcnois.

Running unites people, and people together are able to create unique moments. I was able not only to run with then but also took a running trip for a ultra marathon and also meet @pernasdealuguel during a local running event, an amazing organization, that reminds me sometimes how small our problems are when we deep think. That was awesome.

As long as I have loved the experience, this is one of the things I’ll need to deprioritize for next year. As I’ll be getting ready for Ironman 70.3, some individual dedications that don’t match with general training are needed. I can’t wait to go back already, I’m sure I’ll miss them.



After a lot of sports dedication, massage was one of the most important habits that I developed. Some relaxation please!!!!

Hof Method


I’ve only been testing it for about 3 months. A cold shower a day makes me feel a little better early in the mornings. As I intend to keep for the next year, I’m planning to write a post only about it.


2022 was a challenging year, I lost focus many times, but I provoked myself to be very positive and tried to connect myself to new habits. Learning psychology and finding purpose in the life was essential.

As much I write for me, Hope you liked!



Bruno Gurgel

Living an intense life transition I'm trying to find on writing a good alternative to learn, un-learn and re-learn. Hope you enjoy this journey with me.