My 2022 in books

What I have learned from my reading and listening habits

Bruno Gurgel
4 min readJan 9, 2023

I’m kind of happy to re-write this post again! It’s been 3 years now! As much 2022 was a tuff year, focused on Positive Psychology extension, I could read good books, not as much I planned, but it’s ok =D

The main idea of the post is to have a nice recap of all the books I’ve read during 2022, and keep this good habit up to date. You can also see my last year in books on the links, or follow me on Goodreads!

2020 in books

2021 in books

Hope you enjoy it!

  1. Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (

Yep, it’s not always about your individual performance. The book has triggered me to think how emotional health can be affected by external environment variables that can not be controlled by you at all. Nice book also to explore the stock & finance industry and those things are working there. Many thoughts comes to my head and I need to confess, seams to be really hard to depends on so much randomness in daily basis, but is a good opportunity to test our mental health, our abilities to say no and also to train our brain to focus on be excellent only in the places we have real impact on. Strongly feeling of “we are not capable to impact in everything”

2. Organizações infinitas: O segredo por trás das empresas que vivem para sempre (

Second time reading the book. Purpose was to discuss how companies need to change to keep their competitiveness. That time I could capture even more how many of nowadays companies are still dragging with an older mindset of leadership that did not understand how the world has been evolving. Much of the chapters helped me to develop some internal mindset and questions to discuss with huge companies leaders in order to evaluate how they are dealing with transformation and how technology will be key to their business

3.Vai lá e faz: Como empreender na era digital e tirar ideias do papel (

Ok, I’m a huge fan of Thiago’s work. From his courses or books, many of the thoughts he explains do represent me. There is no “I have no time” excuse. If you want something, work as hard as possible to go and get it. This is key. Thiago has a nice way to explain this mindset and the book still has a lot of methodologies to help us build a company from scratch, starting small and describing how to do it. Great book

4.A sutil arte de ligar o f*da-se (

Quite far from my expectations, but is an easy book to make you re[think] some automatic behaviors. Many important thoughts are shown by the author in an easy way which made me reflect or remake some situations in my head. Mark did a great job deciding the chapter and deciding the type of writing. :) It’s the pocket book to read on the airplane!

5. Inabalavel — Fernanda Keler (

Fernanda Keller was a brazilian triathlete. Book diagramming sucks, but the history within is amazing. To understand Fernanda’s history and all she passed through is amazing. Many of the achievements were made with huge efforts which gave me a more intensive warning sign that we need to pick our battles. We need to give up a lot of things if we wanna achieve something great, and that’s ok, this is balance. Resilience and grit was key in the book!

6. Você aguenta ser feliz?: Como cuidar da saúde mental e física para ter qualidade de vida (

Easily the BEST book in the year. I always heard the bad stuff about Nizzan, and how tough he used to be. But the book showed me a different part of it. The book relates a lot with my transformation and with something I also wanna write about it. Showed clearly the role of Arthurs, Nizzan doctor. Many times we are on autopilot and we HAVE NO IDEIA what is to be happy! We also many times have been teached to be happy by ideologies from the past, but have you ever thought that they may not represent you anymore? Best book in this year !

7.Por Trás de Seus Olhos (

First book I gave up in three years. I started as a challenge of reading a literacy book but the story doesn’t evolve as I thought it would. So, the main challenge was to train my brain to understand that it’s ok to give up a book.

8.Desobedeça: A sua carreira pede (

I hope Mauricio’s book has been translated to other languages. This is the second book from this author I’ve read. The line of thought he uses in the book helped me a lot to organize my head and exercise acts that I do on a daily basis. Book is easy to read and full of great examples. You always be in a position, in the table or on the table, we must pick the place and go big!

9. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (

That was totally out of my comfort zone. It was truly valuable to hear how Stephen has done his job, from the beginning to details of how he deals with audience expectations, routines and productivity and how his passion was established in his family. :)

=D That was a very good way to remind me of all the books I’ve read this year. It also was a tight year. Again, I’m facing many problems by overplanning and the positive psychology extension was really demanding. As much as this post is for me, I hope you have enjoyed it.




Bruno Gurgel

Living an intense life transition I'm trying to find on writing a good alternative to learn, un-learn and re-learn. Hope you enjoy this journey with me.